Thursday, October 17, 2013

My life

My name is Skylar, I'm 20 years old. I lived in Bryant, Arkansas and now I live here in Arkadelphia. I came from a small city but I love being out in the country. I'm not your typical city girl, I'm country at heart. One of my major interest is teaching elementary students. I love being around younger kids. I am studying Early Childhood Education here at HSU. My mom and dad are still married and I have a 14 year old sister. My mom works at Blue Cross/Blue Shield and my dad works at Landers off of Alcoa. I work at Pizza Hut here in Arkadelphia. My little sister is on two different dance teams. She's on her middle school dance team and on a dance team outside of school. I want to enter the field of education because I love teaching and helping kids learn new things that they didn't know how to do. It warms my heart when I'm able to help younger kids out. When I was in High School I took an Orientation Teaching class and I was able to go to the elementary to teach and shadow in a second grade classroom. I fell in love instantly with the second grade class. I will never forget my last day in the classroom. The students in the classroom wrote me letters, when I read the letters I just started crying. The students didn't want me to leave them. I knew that day, that I wanted to be an elementary teacher. I really enjoy being in a classroom with younger kids. I know I will be happy with a teaching job one day. I am starting my blog because I know how hard it is to start a new chapter in life. It is very difficult for me to trust someone. I have had a lot of close friends just disappear out of my life because they lost my trust and treated me like crap. I want to show how it can be easy and hard at some points in life and how it is possible to start a new chapter of your life. My freshman year of college was pretty rough, but my sophomore year is a lot better.


  1. I have had the same problem of friends disappearing. I recently ran into some old friends and it really shed a light on how much we have grown apart. I realized how much I've grown as a person.

  2. I know how you feel. I have all but fallen out with my two friends from high school. Other than them, I have never felt comfortable around other people. I agree with you--it is hard to trust other people when those whom you have trusted fall away from you when you thought you would be friends forever.
    Life does have its ups and downs. I look forward to reading how you start over with each one--mountains and valleys can each be rough and pleasant in their own special and peculiar ways.
