Monday, October 28, 2013

The wonderful 10 2.0 Web tools

Presentation Tool: Prezi

         Prezi is a useful and easy website to use for presentations that you may have to do. This website can be used for any presentation project that a student or teacher has. It is easy to get started and is easy to work. The way this tool can be used for educational purposes in my classroom is that I can give students assignments that they have to make a presentation over, and then they can present it in the classroom.

Image Tool: Flickr

       Flickr is used for many different images and different types of schemes. It has different types of picture and themes that can be used for different projects. It can help people go beyond their imagination. I’d use this in my classroom to show my students illustrations of a lesson that I am teaching them. It would help the students’ imagination to what I am teaching them.

Drawing Tool: Flock draw

       Flock Draw is a fun painting website that kids and parents can use. It has different types of drawing tools that you are able to use. It helps bring out the creative side of kids and parents. I could use this in my classroom by having my students create an educational picture of a lesson that I have taught them. It would help the student see the lesson visually.

Writing Tool: Comic strip Makers- Toondoo

       Comic Strip Makers is used to make fun little comics and story lines. It brings out the creative thinking in a student. Kids are able to express themselves better. The way I would use this in my classroom would be getting my students to do a fun little project so I could see their personality and how they would react to others. I would be able to tell if they get along with people or if they were shy.

       Create a graph lets you create any type of graph that you need to use. It’s easy to use and easy to come up with your own graph. Students will be able to come up with their own graph about anything. I would have students make graph of a math function that I give them. It will show me how much they understand functions.

Quiz and Poll Tool: My Studiyo

            My Studiyo is a website that allows students to make up quiz that can help them with test that they have coming up. It is a handy website to study and get prepared for a test. I would want my students to use this website to help them study for any test that I have them studying for. I would encourage my students to use this website for practice test.

Organize Tool: Bubblus

       Bubblus helps students organize their thoughts. It helps get things in order for what you are trying to put on paper. It has colorful charts and brainstorm bubbles that you can use. I would use this in a writing assignment. I would have the students brainstorm ideas and use this website for their brainstorming.

Mapping Tool: Mapskip

       Mapskip is a useful website for when a student wants to create a map for a history class. It is very easy to use and fun to use. It’s creative and helpful. I would have my students in my classroom make a map of the United States and have them label it. I would have them label the capitals of each state.

Research Tool: Spezify

         Spezify helps you narrow down your search. It gives you the best websites and it gives you definitions to certain words in your search. It is helpful for research projects. I would let my students use this website for a research project that I give them. I would have them find multiple resources for their project.

Music Tool: Jitterbug

       Jitterbug is a kid friendly music website that any age can listen to it. It has kid friendly videos as well. It is fun and students can listen to this when they are doing homework. I would let my students listen to this and watch fun videos while they do homework or while they work on a class assignment. 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

My life

My name is Skylar, I'm 20 years old. I lived in Bryant, Arkansas and now I live here in Arkadelphia. I came from a small city but I love being out in the country. I'm not your typical city girl, I'm country at heart. One of my major interest is teaching elementary students. I love being around younger kids. I am studying Early Childhood Education here at HSU. My mom and dad are still married and I have a 14 year old sister. My mom works at Blue Cross/Blue Shield and my dad works at Landers off of Alcoa. I work at Pizza Hut here in Arkadelphia. My little sister is on two different dance teams. She's on her middle school dance team and on a dance team outside of school. I want to enter the field of education because I love teaching and helping kids learn new things that they didn't know how to do. It warms my heart when I'm able to help younger kids out. When I was in High School I took an Orientation Teaching class and I was able to go to the elementary to teach and shadow in a second grade classroom. I fell in love instantly with the second grade class. I will never forget my last day in the classroom. The students in the classroom wrote me letters, when I read the letters I just started crying. The students didn't want me to leave them. I knew that day, that I wanted to be an elementary teacher. I really enjoy being in a classroom with younger kids. I know I will be happy with a teaching job one day. I am starting my blog because I know how hard it is to start a new chapter in life. It is very difficult for me to trust someone. I have had a lot of close friends just disappear out of my life because they lost my trust and treated me like crap. I want to show how it can be easy and hard at some points in life and how it is possible to start a new chapter of your life. My freshman year of college was pretty rough, but my sophomore year is a lot better.