Monday, December 9, 2013

Pinterest use in the classroom.

The pass few days that I have used Pinterest to find ideas for my future classroom and find ideas for lesson plans, I found Pinterest very helpful. Pinterest is very helpful with finding fun ideas for crafts and fun math lessons for an elementary class. I used Pinterest to come up with a fun winter activity for a fun lesson. Using Pinterest gave me tons of ideas for my future classroom and for future lesson plans. It was fun going through Pinterest just to find ideas for my future classrooms. Pinterest has a lot of great ideas for crafts and different kinds of lesson plans. It has all sorts of lesson plans and classroom ideas.

This link will take you to the fun and creative lesson plan that I had come up with by using ideas I found on Pinterest. I learned that you have to use counting skills and make sure that the snowflakes are neatly placed. I did this assignment for a fun winter activity that has to do with math as well.

Step 1: Students will get 10 mittens.

Step 2: Students will number the mittens 1-10

Step 3: The students will get 55 snowflakes from me.

Step 4: The students will put the correct amount of snowflakes on each mitten according to the number on the mitten.